Women's Ministry
Women Leading Women
Women’s Ministry encourages women to be rooted in God’s love through His Word and pour out that love to others. Its goals are:
- Connect women to God and to each other
- Be a ministering agent in our community
- Be welcoming to all—get out of our comfort zones in order to extend invitations to others and make each woman feel valued
- Practice within our team authenticity, vulnerability and accountability, and to promote this in the body by creating opportunities and atmospheres in which women can be real
- Offer events that communicate God‘s truths through Word of mouth and loving interactions
- Faithfully pray individually and as a group for the women of our church and outside of it.
- Provide opportunities for women of FBC to display God’s love, grace, and truth to our community as we reach out through service and fellowship
PRAYER NETWORK is a very active text prayer circle of love and support that our women utilize to stay connected and bear each other’s daily burdens. This ministry is open to all women of Fellowship who wish to join.
WOMEN’S RETREATS are opportunities for Fellowship’s women to get away from their regular lives for a couple of days to pray together, fellowship with one another, hear from God’s Word, and build deeper relationships.
OUT TO LUNCH BUNCH is a gathering of women who go to lunch and fellowship around tables in the local restaurants of our community.